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01952 46011911 Market Place, Shifnal TF11 9AU


Root Canal Treatment Case Study – Our Smile of the Month!

cropped JRM 1 Root canal treatment with a very happy ending!

Also called endodontics, the procedure is needed when the soft pulp inside the tooth’s root canal becomes infected and/or inflamed. Root canal treatment removes and replaces the infected soft pulp with new material.

A young lady came to us after she developed serious pain in her lower molar. Her cheek was swollen and her tooth was extremely tender to touch.croped JRM 3

These are typical symptoms of a dental abscess.

In many cases like this, the routine treatment would be extraction. Because the patient wanted to save her tooth she was referred to our practice, for her treatment, from the Telford area.

The patient was nervous about the procedure. Myths and untrue Stories about root canal treatment are often repeated, leading to people being overly worried and so deciding to take the tooth out instead.cropped JRM 2

X­-rays were taken which showed large areas of infection in the bone. The treatment was started and with the help of our expert skills, a microscope and modern materials an almost immediate improvement was achieved.

The tooth was crowned to prevent any breaking and to assure a very nice appearance. It took another few months for the bone to heal completely.cropped JRM 4

The use of local anaesthetic meant that the entire treatment was painless and the patient has had no problems from her tooth since we completed her root canal treatment seven years ago.

Want to learn more about the treatment? Explore our root canal treatment page and get in touch to start the ball rolling.

Click the image below for x-ray annotations

Root Canal Treatment - Before and After

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