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01952 46011911 Market Place, Shifnal TF11 9AU


Christmas Teeth Whitening Gifts

Woman's White Christmas Smile

We can all feel self-conscious about how our teeth look, whether it be about their alignment or colour, and Christmas is a time of year we all want to look our best. In truth, our teeth are affected by everyday wear and tear that can leave stubborn stains, and the natural bright, white shade becomes darkened. Want to reawaken that gleaming smile of yours?

Shifnal Dental Care has two ways of bringing the sparkle back to your teeth in time for Christmas.



Dreaming of a white Christmas? With Zoom it can be achieved in less than an hour!

Our Zoom power whitening can whiten teeth by up to several shades, reinvigorating your smile.

Your lips and gums are covered before a gel is applied on to your teeth. A UV light is positioned over your teeth to activate the gel, this then gently penetrates your teeth, breaking up stains and discolouration.


Professional Tray Whitening

Rather take care of it yourself at home? With our professional tray whitening, you can! 

Our professional home whitening kit is simple to use. All you need to do is place whitening gel into a custom-made tray that you either wear whilst asleep or for short periods throughout the day.

Start to see results within two weeks and you won’t be just lighting up the Christmas tree lights, you’ll be lighting up the room with your smile too.


At Shifnal Dental Care, we believe that every smile is important. Find out more about our teeth whitening treatments so that you can countdown to Christmas with a smile.

Have a pearly-white Christmas!

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