Many adults suffer from chronic facial pain such as jaw pain, headaches and earaches. The cause of these aches and pains may be related to the temporomandibular joints. Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) occur as a result of problems with the articulation and surrounding facial and neck muscles that control chewing and moving of the jaw. These disorders are often called TMJ disfunction or TMJ pain. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint.
TMJ disorder symptoms:
People with TMJ disorders can experience severe pain and discomfort that can be temporary or last for many years. There are many TMJ symptoms some of the most common are referred to below.
Common TMJ symptoms include:
- pain in or around the ear
- headaches and neck aches
- tenderness of the jaw or jaw muscles
- jaw pain or soreness that is more prevalent in the morning or late afternoon
- jaw pain when chewing, biting or yawning
- difficulty opening and closing the mouth
- clicking or popping noises when opening the mouth
- sensitive teeth when no other dental problems can be found
- repeated episodes of breaking the teeth
- excessively worn down teeth
TMJ disorder Treatment
Those who suffer from TMJ disorders will want to know what treatments are available. There are some basic treatments you can start with at home which include applying moist heat or cold packs to the side of your face. Eating soft foods can also help alleviate the pain, avoid hard and crunchy foods, chewy foods and thick foods which require you to open your mouth wide.
If you are looking for more effective TMJ disorder treatment then you can discuss these with your dentist. One option could be to perform prescribed exercises or to wear a splint or night guard. Splints and night guards are plastic mouthpieces that fit over the upper and/or lower teeth. They prevent the upper and lower teeth from coming together in the wrong way. This lessens the effects of clenching or grinding the teeth. They also correct the position of the jaw by guiding the teeth to their most correct and least traumatic position. Your dentist will be able to discuss with you what type of mouth guard best suits your needs.
If you think that you may be suffering from Temporomandibular joint disorder then contact Katherine, our Treatment Co-ordinator. She can talk you through all of the options available, ring today on 01952 460119.