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01952 46011911 Market Place, Shifnal TF11 9AU


What Are The Benefits Of Cosmetic Dentistry?

Fitting For Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry covers a lot of different products and procedures, but they all have one aim – to give you the smile you have always dreamed of. However, did you know that there are actually lots of benefits to cosmetic dentistry and that the perfect smile is not the only positive outcome from it?


Improved Diet
Cosmetic dentistry is not just for superficial appearances, it can help improve an individual’s diet.

An uneven bite or missing tooth may prevent someone from properly chewing their food, which will make digestion more difficult. By correcting this with braces or tooth implants a person’s chewing will improve and so will their digestion, meaning they get the most out of every meal.

Inlays and onlays are another cosmetic procedure that will help to strengthen teeth to improve chewing, they do this by reinforcing the tooth in much the same way as a filling would or by replacing the biting surface.


Improved Dental Health
This type of dentistry can have many benefits to dental health as well as diet, as a lot of cosmetic dentistry procedures aim to strengthen teeth and protect sensitive areas within the mouth to enhance their aesthetics.

Dental crowns help prevent any damaged teeth from further deterioration, by removing a certain amount of the tooth surface and this is replaced by a colour matched ‘cap’ to mimic a natural tooth. As well as improving the appearance of the teeth crowns can be considerably stronger and more durable than larger fillings.

Dental implants prevent damage occurring to the guns and jawbones by creating a barrier between them and food or other teeth. It is a small part of titanium which is placed in the jaw bone in place of the missing natural tooth root, making it a secure fixture within the mouth. Improving bite and preventing damage to sensitive gums in the mouth.

The above two procedures are good examples of cosmetic restoration that not only improve the smile but also the dental help of the smile’s owner.


Improved Appearance & Self-Confidence

Often people can feel self-conscious about a flaw with their teeth, for example, if they have chipped or cracked it. This can lead people to be less inclined to smile and show their teeth and could cause them to shy away from social interactions. That is why the cosmetic dental procedure dental bonding is ideal, not only does it improve the appearance of the tooth but it improves a person’s self-confidence in their smile.

Stained teeth can often cause people to become unhappy with their smile. There are two cosmetic dental procedures that can improve the appearance of stained teeth:

  • Dental veneers – thin, tooth-coloured shells that are attached to the front surface of teeth. Often made from porcelain or resin composite materials and are permanently bonded to your teeth.
  • Teeth whitening – through the use of either Zoom or a professional tray whitening gel, teeth become whiter in appearance.

Both these dental cosmetics improve the appearance of teeth and recreate a person’s beautiful smile.


Whilst cosmetic dentistry has many aesthetic advantages, it also has important health ones too – from improving dental health to enhancing mental health. Take a look at all the teeth enhancing procedures Shifnal Dental Care have on offer.

Find out how we can help you create the smile you have always wanted by contacting our treatment coordinator Katherine on 01952 460119 or email us.

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